Texas Scimitar Horned Oryx Hunting

Scimitar Horned Oryx

This exotic game species is generally hunted for its beautiful horns. The narrow, sleek horns curve backwards and can reach lengths over 40."

Method of Hunting Scimitar Horned Oryx

Most common is safari style, also spot and stalk, and blind hunting.
Type of hunting: Rifle, Bow, Handgun, or Muzzleloader

Best Time of Year to Hunt Scimitar Horned Oryx

With Scimitar Horned Oryx being a horned animal they can be hunted year round. There are no seasonal restrictions on hunting Scimitar Horned Oryx in Texas.

Booking a Hunt Date

Once you decide you would like to book a hunt we will send you a hunting contract that will have all of the details for the hunt "No Hidden Fees". There will be a 50% deposit required to lock in your hunt date.

MMK will put you on a trophy Scimitar Horned Oryx that will great in your trophy room for many years. We hunt both big Bulls and Cows that range from 30"- 44"+ in horn length. There are no Cites permit required any longer. And there are no seasonal restrictions on hunting Scimitar Horned Oryx in Texas. We hunt them on your schedule call us.

Our largest to date was a bull measuring 48" and a cow 46" the cows most of the time get longer then bulls but the Bulls will carry more mass, just depends what your looking for.

The typical method of hunting would be Spot and Stalk, Safari Style, as well as hunting from a Blind. With the following Bow, Rifle, Black Powder, Handgun Style Hunting. We can accommodate hunters of age groups and experience levels, as well as hunters which have physical disabilities or may be confined to a wheelchair.

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